A Productions is a creative led, full-service, multi-discipline, independent production studio.
Based in central Bristol, UK, we are internationally recognised for producing high quality, award winning, creative and innovative work across a diverse range of projects. We love what we do and our creative energy and production experience mean we can deliver the very best for our clients. Our expertise is in animation production for film & television, with a strong reputation for creating and producing iconic, award winning children’s content for broadcast.
Why are we on the programme?
The Creative Workforce for the Future is a great way for us to build knowledge on how to address the challenges with hiring, and to find, support and develop more talent, with internal processes to match, including senior level clarity.
Our recruitment tended to be informal and advertised through existing networks which meant that we often recruited from similar backgrounds, leading to missed creative opportunities.
The Creative workforce for the Future programme has been a great way to re-focus and structure our recruitment with the goal of building a more robust, open and inclusive process.