INTIMAL is a telematic sound art research project and “”embodied”” system for listening to our migrations; this, to heal experiences of geographical and cultural loss. INTIMAL’s vision is to expand people’s sense of place and sense of presence, with the use of embodied interfaces and networking technologies in live improvisatory sound performances, interconnecting people across local and distant locations through their migratory journeys. These, leading to individual and collective transformations. INTIMAL proposes relational listening to interrelate fragments of memories left by our migrations, and understand that we, as migrants, are whole and multidimensional.
INTIMAL consists of:
A physical-virtual embodied system for relational listening that integrates interfaces that invite people to listen to their migrations, and improvise with body movement and vocal sounds, in co-located and telematic performances (between distant locations).
A Territory of Latin American Migrant Women listening to their migrations exploring dreams and virtuality, and improvising with movement, and sound.
A co-creation Lab: a creation space run by an interdisciplinary collective of migrant women developing creative actions for individual agency and collective transformation in their host lands and native place.
Why were we on the programme?
It is great to be training in the UK with Creative Workforce for the Future because I have always been part of a minority. It is good to learn what are the deep challenges in the UK. It will be good to know how to contribute as a company, both for serving the Latin American and international women in our Collective, and for connecting with UK audiences.